Worst Online Dating Profiles

worst online dating profile photo 8

This guy literally TERRIFIES me on so many levels….

People tend to overestimate their good looks. When it comes to online dating profiles, a little fudging is pretty normal. Men tend to lie the most about their height, women lie about their weight. Those farthest from average tend to lie more.

However, some people just let it all hang out. Sometimes in terrifying, terrifying ways.

More power to them though….I guess?

Though maybe we can use them as helpful guides in what not to do/say when online dating. Here are some protips:sexy-fail-poo

  • Don’t take selfies on the toilet. If you must take one in the bathroom, make sure the toilet is flushed.
  • Just skip the selfies. They’re usually a terrible idea.
  • Use proper grammar and correct spelling.
  • Posing with animals you’ve shot is not attractive. Save the camouflage/dead animal pics for your hunting buddies.
  • Don’t post pictures of yourself completely wasted.
  • Don’t post pictures that were obviously cut in half/photo shopped to remove your ex.

If all else fails, here’s a study with some vague guidance on how to tell if an online profile is filled with lies.

Good luck. You’re going to need it.


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